LAWMO - Urban Homesteading Project
Urban homesteading is a unique opportunity for individuals with construction skills and/or experience in home repair to acquire and rehab homes in poor condition. Eligible properties are truly abandoned and cannot be purchased or otherwise acquired. The houses must be:
1. Vacant for at least six months continuously;
2. Delinquent on taxes for at least two years; and
3. A nuisance (property should have open codes violations).
After identifying an eligible property and discussing it with a Legal Aid attorney, the neighborhood association can bring an Abandoned Housing Act suit. The next step is to find a suitable Urban Homesteader to take on the home rehabilitation.
Legal Aid and the Urban Homesteading Program FAQ
Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Legal Aid y el Programa de “Urban Homesteading” (Viviendas Urbanas)
Urban Homesteading Questionnaire (English)
Urban Homesteading Questionnaire (Spanish)
Get inspired: Urban Homesteading “Before & After” Photos: Project #1 Project #2
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