Pro Bono Opportunities

Legal Aid Programs in Missouri
The support of the private bar is vital to the delivery of legal services to our low-income clients in Missouri. Without the support of Missouri lawyers many of our client needs will go unmet, potentially resulting in denials of justice that could have tragic consequences for families in our local communities.
Volunteering with your local legal aid program will save homes, prevent homelessness, protect those who have been abused, assist our veterans, protect the elderly and disabled and prevent the destruction of families. Your donation of time can literally help us change lives.
Please contact the local legal aid program in your area and assist us in this effort. You will find the experience vastly rewarding!
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The Missouri Bar
The Missouri Bar encourages all Missouri attorneys to find opportunities and resources to provide pro bono service to needy persons and groups, particularly those whose incomes do not allow them to obtain legal representation.
Click on the following link to learn more: Pro Bono Opportunities
Missouri Legal Answers
Legal Answers is a statewide virtual legal advice clinic. Qualifying users post their civil legal question to the link below. Missouri pro bono attorney volunteers, who are authorized to provide pro bono assistance in Missouri, log in to the website, select questions to answer, and provide legal information and advice. Users are then emailed when their question receives a response.
Click on the following link to go to the Missouri site: Missouri Free Legal Answers