United Way 2-1-1

Flood and tornado survivors are encouraged to call "United Way 2-1-1” to connect with vital resources, such as legal assistance, shelter, clothing, and assistance with cleanup of homes and debris during a declared natural disaster.
The 2-1-1 number is helpful in finding Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC) sites that are setup in various locations throughout the disaster area. A local legal aid staff attorney or volunteer private attorney will be available at a MARC location to assess your potential legal issues. Also, other emergency and social service agency staff will be available to assist with other problems, such as, food, clothing and shelter. If you have trouble finding a MARC site you can call the United Way telephone number 2-1-1 to find a MARC location near you.
You can search the “United Way 2-1-1” website to locate other resources, as well, by clicking Learn More...
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