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The Role of Compensatory Education in Supporting Special Education Students 
  Justice in Schools Last year, 21% of students in Missouri school districts moved at least once during the school year. WHY IT MATTERS: Students who move have poorer attendance and lower academic achievement than classmates who remain in the same class.
The Legal Services of Eastern Missouri (LSEM) has published information on their website concerning. To view the information, click on the following link:  Foster Care If you click on the above link you will be leaving this website.
  The Legal Services of Eastern Missouri Education Justice Program has been working to educate a statewide audience in order to educate Missourians about the education rights of homeless kids and youth.  They have provided reading and printer friendly information below for you to view.
School Official's Guide to Search and Seizure Laws - A Guidebook developed by Missouri's Attorney General Office.  If you click on the above link and the button on the following page, you will be leaving this website.
Posted 2013.  This is a case in the St. Louis area concerning your child's right to transfer to another school in the area.  There are three documents that will provide you information and forms concerning your rights to transfer your child from an unaccredited school in a district to a credited school in the district in St. Louis County or an adjoining county.  This ruling applies to other school districts in Missouri, as well. The three documents are attached.
We have added a handbook from The Missouri Bar, entitled, "Family Law Resource Guide.”  Within the handbook is a chapter, “Assistance to Parents of Children with Disabilities.” This chapter provides numerous resources that may assist a parent with a disabled child or children. To open the file, click on the link below.  
Documenting Your File - Revised March 2006. in Special Education Disputes with Your Child’s School It is critical that you, as the parent, keep a record of verbal and written correspondence relating to a your child’s special education and testing.
Rights of Disabled Children Under the ADA Under Title II of the ADA—Americans With Disabilities Act—public schools cannot discriminate against students because of their disability. This page covers some of the ways the ADA impacts your child.