Senior Citizens

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Welcome to the 21st Edition of the Senior Citizens Handbook. Legal Services of Eastern Missouri (LSEM) is so grateful to all the contributors to this edition and those who contributed over the years to many prior editions. The first edition of this book was published in 1977. Below is a list of the chapters concerning vital information to senior citizens in Missouri.  You can open or download a pdf copy of the manual at the bottom of this page. Chapter 1 - Supplemental Security Income  Chapter 2 – Social Security Survivor Benefits 
NEW: Online Reporting is now available for all concerned individuals and should only be used to report non-emergencies. If you are a mandated reporter, DHSS encourages you to make your adult abuse and neglect reports online 24/7 to help keep our hotline open to the public. Thank you for your partnership! For more information go to the following link: Abuse  
This following information concerning elder lawyers and the types of cases they may handle is being provided by  We have added the information in pdf format to the bottom of this post, for your review.  Please note, that if you live in Missouri and have a legal issued described in the article, you can apply for free assistance from the Missouri legal aid program that serves your county.
When it comes to online banking, we could all do with a helping hand. Whether it’s setting up accounts or keeping track of spending, this shift to digitised money management is difficult for a lot of people to get their heads around.
In the modern world, most of us will rely on electronic banking in some form or another. Whether it’s using a card to pay for items in shops, or online transfers, we seamlessly use a blend of digital finance tools and cash in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, this means that there is also a myriad of ways that scammers can target consumers, especially if they are a high-risk group.
Financial Planning is for everyone.  This includes taking the necessary steps to ensure that your desire regarding the future of your personal, car, medical care, property, and resources are currently recorded for your love ones to follow. Latasha Barnes with Legal Services of Eastern Missouri will discuss in the following video link how you can use simple estate planning tools to plan for the future.
Do you need help preparing your taxes? Several ATLS (Across the Life Span) coalition agencies will provide tax assistance to individuals from early February through the end of tax season. Contact the program provider for additional information.
Our elderly loved ones are some of the most precious people in our lives. Sadly though, seniors are also some of the most vulnerable, especially when it comes to online scams. To View information concerning how to keep your love ones save, click on link below: How To Keep Elderly Loved Ones Safe from Online Scams ( If you click this link, you will be leaving this web site.
Many Missouri elderly adults are abused or neglected everyday. If you suspect that an elderly person is at risk, it’s important to speak up by calling  1-800-286-3932. Learn about the possible signs of abuse and neglect by clicking on the following pdf brochure published by the Missouri Attorney General Office.